As most of my regular readers know, I am a strong supporter of allowing civil unions between same-sex couples. I suggest that the word "marriage" be retained only for unions performed in a church, while all secular unions (heterosexual or homosexual) be designated as civil unions, with the same legal rights and responsibilities. (I've blogged about the issue here, here, here, and here.)
Some time ago, I discovered an extremely well-written (not to mention calm and rational) argument against gun control, written by someone who had supported gun control prior to composing her paper (an assignment for a college class). Her research for the paper led her to change her mind on the issue. When her site disappeared, I assumed that it was gone forever, but I rediscovered it, in a new location. I was also pleased to find a pair of articles ("firestarters") she had authored on the SSM debate, and that many of her views were congruent with mine. The first one can be found here, while the second, which more-or-less summarizes her responses to feedback she received, can be found here. Of the two, I prefer the second, because it is a touch less dismissive of those who oppose same-sex marriage on religious grounds. She also posts the feedback she receives, with her responses, in a fashion that is almost blog-like. (Collie, start a blog!) While I don't agree with all of her arguments (particularly #6, which ratchets up the ick-meter to an uncomfortable level for me), it is well-written and internally consistent (something to which I will admit my opposition to #6 fails to achieve). Even if you disagree with her, she solicits responses; in fact, she notes that she prefers sharing with people who differing views, since it stimulates a discussion. Check out all three pieces; they're well worth your time and attention.
posted on August 18, 2004 01:58 PM